Title: This Is A Gift (It Comes With A Price) Subject: Morgana and Morgause Warnings: Spoilers up to the Series 4, Episode 2 Notes: Full album art, tracklisting, picspam and download links under the fake cut.
A fanmix centered around M/M that starts from the beginning of season three and spans out many years throughout the Arthurian legend. From love to hate, it shows the many thoughts that both Morgana and Merlin have towards one another.
A fanmix for Morgana starting in season two and leading us to where she is in the beginning of season three. Focused mainly on her relationships with both Uther and Merlin, who play a focal point in her changes.
Features: Linkin Park, Muse, Florence + the Machine, and more.
Fandom: Merlin Subject: Uther/Morgana Title: Chemistry of a Car Crash Warnings: Spoilers through season 2. Notes: An angsty mix depicting the passion and destruction of Uther and Morgana's relationship on Merlin, as seen in a shipper light.